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What happens to my i-DEAL account if I leave ENGIE?

Receiving your repayments and your tax information after leaving ENGIE

Nicolas CHECK avatar
Written by Nicolas CHECK
Updated over a week ago

Whether you are changing of company or retiring, you might wonder what will happen to your i-DEAL account in case of departure from the ENGIE Group. Hereunder, we detail all you need to know about that situation.

This procedure only applies if you leave ENGIE. If you are still employed by ENGIE and want to close your i-DEAL account, you need to refer to this tutorial.

Leaving ENGIE: what happens to my i-DEAL account?

Your i-DEAL account will be treated differently depending on if you still have ongoing loans or no.

  1. You have not lent to any projects.

    In this case, your i-DEAL account will be closed after communicating your departure to our Support team. Keep reading to learn how to do so.

  2. You have lent to some projects, but have no ongoing loans.

    If you have invested in one (or more) i-DEAL projects, that have been totally repaid, your account will remain open until the reception of your last tax certificate. Your tax certificate will be sent to your personal email address.

    From the date of your departure, you will not be able to access the i-DEAL platform because you will have lost your access to Okta, which is necessary to log into your i-DEAL account. Therefore, you will not be able to top up your account or lend to projects either.

    Once your tax certificate will have been received, your account will be closed.

  3. You have ongoing projects (i.e. you are still receiving repayments)

    If you have invested in one or more i-DEAL projects and your loans are still ongoing, your i-DEAL account will remain open until the end of your repayments and the reception of your last tax certificate.

    From the date of your departure, you will not be able to access the i-DEAL platform because you will have lost your access to Okta, which is necessary to log into your i-DEAL account. Therefore, you will not be able to top up your account or lend to projects either.

    Your loans cannot be canceled or sold, they will continue to run until the end of the scheduled period. Your monthly repayments will be credited directly on your bank account and the bonuses you might get will be credited also on your bank account when the projects reach their maturity.

    All the information relation your i-DEAL account will be sent directly to your personal email address (repayments messages, information regarding your projects, tax certificate, etc).

How can you monitor your portfolio?

Twice a year, you will receive information concerning your portfolio directly on your personal email address:

  • At the end of the first quarter of each year, you will receive a tax certificate with the necessary information to declare your gross interest or verify your tax declaration (for French and Italian lenders only).

  • Once a year, you can ask for a snapshot of your portfolio.

How to communicate your departure to the i-DEAL team?

To inform our Support team of your departure, you need to send us an email at [email protected] or contact us directly on the chat at least 1 month before you leave the company.

In order to take your request into account, you will need to:

  1. Provide a personal email address,

  2. Confirm us your IBAN: the IBAN provided during your account verification is the one we will you use to credit your monthly repayments.

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